Bioeconomy at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is responsible for the sustainable use of Finland's renewable natural resources, and is thus closely involved in building the bioeconomy. Forests, fish, water, food and agriculture are all important sectors of the bioeconomy.
Since 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has funded bioeconomy projects that support the implementation of the bioeconomy strategy
Anne Vehviläinen, biotalousneuvos
maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Luonnonvaraosasto, Metsä- ja biotalousyksikkö Puhelin:0295162236 Sähköpostiosoite:
Birgitta Vainio-Mattila, neuvotteleva virkamies
maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Ruokaosasto, Markkinayksikkö Puhelin:0295162346 Sähköpostiosoite: