Maaseutupolitiikan yhteistyöryhmän hankeryhmä
MMM028:02/2008 Development
Developing and statute drafting in the Government
The ministries implement the Government Programme, draft acts and other statutes, and promote reforms through different kinds of projects, working groups and bodies. Information on all this is available on the Government website.
All ministries' projects are available on the Government website
Basic information Completed
Project number MMM028:02/2008
Case numbers
Set by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Term/schedule – 1.1.2012
Date of appointment
Other documents and memorandums
Jäsenten nimeäminen, dnro 100/042/2008
20.10.2008 Opetusministeriö
Jäsenten nimeämispyyntö
22.9.2008 Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö