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EU co-financed information and promotional activities

Information provision and promotion programmes co-financed by the EU are campaigns that are targeted at the EU internal market and third countries. The programmes run 1–3 years. Their objective is to increase citizen awareness of products, boost product sales and open up new markets for agricultural products outside the EU.

EU financing covers 50% of the cost of a programme. The state contributes 20% and the applicant organisation behind the programme 30% of the costs.

Programmes can be proposed by organisations representing a specific product or products or by interbranch organisations.

The authority responsible for the application process is the Agency for Rural Affairs (Mavi).


Jouni Pynnöniemi, erityisasiantuntija 
maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Ruokaosasto, Markkinayksikkö Puhelin:0295162354   Sähköpostiosoite: