Adaptation in the administrative branch of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has the main responsibility for actions related to climate change adaptation in agriculture and food production, forestry, water resources management, fishing and fishery, reindeer husbandry and game management. On the national level, the Ministry is also responsible for flood and drought risks management and the prevention of forest damage and invasive alien species.

Work on adaptation is already undertaken as part of the everyday tasks of the Ministry. The Ministry is also preparing an action plan on climate change adaptation for its own administrative branch. The aim is to incorporate adaptation into all sectors of the administrative branch. The previous action plan covered the years 2011–2015.

Related topics

Forests and climate change
Water-related matters in The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Flood risk management plans for 2022-2027 (in Finnish)
Preparedness-related matters The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (in Finnish)
Climate policy plan for the land use sector (in Finnish)
Projects of the Catch the Carbon -programme

See also

Invasive alien species in Finland


Jaana Kaipainen, neuvotteleva virkamies 
maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Luonnonvaraosasto, Luonnonvara- ja vesitalousyksikkö Puhelin:0295162166   Sähköpostiosoite: