
The Council has given the European Commission certain implementation duties in connection with the common agricultural policy (CAP). Implementation takes place in close collaboration with national experts. For this purpose, different committees have been set up under the Commission. They consist of representatives from EU Member States and are chaired by a Commission official.
Each year, the committees are asked for an opinion on approximately 2,000 legal texts concerning agriculture. In addition to their formal role, the committees also provide a forum for dialogue.
The committees include advisory committees, examination procedure committees and appeal committees.

In the context of CAP, advisory committees are the most common form of committee used. The committees consist of Member States’ representatives who are specialists in the specific fields. The committees give their opinion on the Commission’s proposals for measures to manage agricultural markets. These days, most agricultural products (e.g. cereal, milk products, beef, wine, fruit and vegetables) are managed by a so-called common examination committee.


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