The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is one of the specialised agencies of the United Nations. It focuses on issues concerning food security, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural areas. FAO’s core operations emphasise normative activities and the provision of information and advice, and its operational activities focus on the practical application of information in collaboration with other operators.
FAO has 194 member nations and one member organisation, the European Union (EU). Finland has been a member of FAO ever since the organisation was established in 1945. In Finland, FAO matters fall under the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which also pays Finland’s annual statutory membership fee (approximately €2 million). Development funding provided by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is channelled through FAO. The purpose of the funds is to promote objectives that are important for Finnish development policy. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs also provides funding for Junior Professional Officers working at FAO and for UN volunteers.
As a rule, Finland participates in FAO’s Governing Bodies through its reference groups, such as the Nordic countries, the EU and the regional group for Europe.
Helsinki University Library is the repository of FAO publications in Finland. The physical collection of FAO publications is housed in Viikki Campus Library. Printed books and serials are catalogued in HelkaLink to an external website database. Older FAO publications might also be found in National Repository Library’s database, VaariLink to an external website. Printed publications can be read at Viikki Campus LibraryLink to an external website or they can be requested through interlibrary loan serviceLink to an external website. The newest FAO publicationsLink to an external website are mainly issued in electronic form. They are freely searchable and the full-texts are available online.
Helsinki University Library is also Finland’s centralized AGRIS Resource Center and is responsible for transmitting information on Finnish agricultural research to FAO’s AGRIS database.
More information about FAO publications:
Helsinki University Library
Viikki Campus Library
Information specialist Merja Kettunen, tel. +358503175488
Interlibrary loan requestLink to an external website
Further information
Anna Santala, Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Food Department, EU Coordination and International Affairs Telephone:0295162418 Email Address: firstname.lastname@gov.fi