Other strategies and programmes

Besides the National Forest Strategy, Forest Biodiversity Programme for Southern Finland METSO, Climate Plan for the Land Use Sector and  Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy, policies and measures related to the forest sector are set down in many other strategies and programmes.

Regional forest programmes

Regional forest programmes are statutory development plans and work programmes for the forest sector concerning specific regions. They promote the diverse and sustainable utilisation of forests, taking into account the local circumstances, development needs and objectives. The programmes sum up the information and development needs related to forests in the region, including the sustainable management and use of forests and the general objectives for the development of forestry. The regional forest programmes are revised at least every five years. The objectives of the EU and Finland implemented by the forest programmes include the promotion of biodiversity, climate change mitigation and rural development. The regional forest programmes for the period 2021–2025 were published in December 2020. The programmes were prepared for the territories managed by the 14 Forest Councils. 

The objectives of the regional forest programmes arise from the development needs of the regions and objectives of the National Forest Strategy. The programmes coordinate the economic, ecological, social and cultural objectives. The key focus is on diverse and sustainable utilisation of forests. The Forest Councils monitor and promote the implementation of the programmes. 

Regional forest programmes (Forest Centre)Link to an external website

Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy 2022–2035

The new Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy until 2035 was published in April 2022. The strategy aims to double the value added of bioeconomy in an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable manner and to make Finland climate neutral by 2035. The measures are divided under four objectives: Higher value added from bioeconomy, a strong knowledge and technology base, a competitive operating environment, and usability and sustainability of bioresources and other ecosystem services. The strategy also includes sector-specific measures. Value added is sought by developing new raw materials, manufacturing methods, products and services, by increasing the value added and resource efficiency, and by utilising side streams and the operating models of a circular economy. There are promising developments in sectors such as forestry, food and energy production, pharmaceutical, chemical and textile industries, water supply, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism services and the natural products sector. 

Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy 2022-2035Link to an external website

Factsheet on the Bioeconomy StrategyLink to an external website

National Climate and Energy Strategies 

Finland's national climate and energy policy is guided by objectives agreed on within the EU and in international contexts. The National Climate and Energy Strategies outline concrete objectives and measures by which Finland will achieve the energy and climate targets set in the EU and in the Government Programmes. A total of six Climate and Energy Strategies have been published between 2001 and 2023.

The work to draw up the most recent National Climate and Energy Strategy took place in 2022. The process was based on, in particular, the EU's climate and energy targets for 2030 and the carbon neutrality target by 2035 set in the Government Programme. In connection with the preparation of the strategy, different sectors of industry drew up low-carbon roadmaps for their own operations. The preparation of the strategy was coordinated with the work related to the Medium-term Climate Plan (KAISU). Background material on the policy actions and their impacts for both the Climate and Energy Strategy and Medium-term Climate Plan was prepared in the project ‘Carbon neutral Finland 2035 – measures and impacts of climate and energy policy’ (HIISI).

The matters related to the forest sector in the Climate and Energy Strategies include the objectives and policies concerning the use of renewable energy, such as wood fuels, and the development of carbon sinks. Measures to increase carbon sequestration in forests are set out in the Climate Plan for the Land Use Sector (MISU) that is drawn up at the same time.
National Climate and Energy Strategy (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment)Link to an external website

Medium-term Climate Plan 

The Medium-term Climate Plans (KAISU) outline the necessary means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the non-emissions trading sector, i.e. in the effort sharing sector, which comprises transport, agriculture, heating and waste management. The Medium-term Climate Plans are based on the Climate Change Act adopted in 2015. Provisions on the plan are also laid down in the new Climate Act that entered into force in 2022. The plan is drawn up once during each government term, and it contains an action programme to reduce emissions from the effort sharing sector. The first Medium-term Climate Plan until 2030 was adopted in 2017. The new Medium-term Climate Plan 2022 was updated so that it will meet the more ambitious EU obligation by 2030 and the Finnish Government’s carbon neutrality target by 2035. Read more on the website of the Ministry of the Environment.Link to an external website

National Climate Change Adaptation Plan

The key focus of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan is on ensuring society’s capability to adapt to changes in the climate and to manage the risks associated with these. The measures under the plan aim to reduce the adverse consequences of climate change to e.g. people’s safety and living conditions, natural environment, economic activities and key functions of society. The aim is also to benefit from the opportunities that adaptation may create for livelihoods and business activities. The National Climate Change Adaptation Plan currently in force was published in 2022. The plans are part of the climate policy planning system under the Climate Act  (423/2022), and the Government approves the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan at least once every ten years.

National Climate Change Adaption Plan 2030
How can we prepare for the inevitable climate change (in Finnish)Link to an external website

CAP Strategic Plan

Plan aims to preserve a viable countryside, improve the state of the environment, ensure the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, improve animal welfare and enhance competence. The key measures include the development of local businesses, knowledge and skills and services. The plan is implemented by means of both national and EU funding.

Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)
Maaseutu.fi - Online service for rural development (FI and SV) Link to an external website

National Biodiversity Strategy

Read more about the National Biodiversity Strategy, i.e. the strategy and action plan for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and its implementation on the website of the Ministry of the Environment: National Biodiversity Strategy (Ministry of the Environment)Link to an external website

Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development

The national strategy on sustainable development was reviewed in 2013. Instead of a traditional strategy, the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development decided to introduce Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development. Through this, the different organisations in the public sector make a commitment to promote sustainable development in all their work and activities, together with other stakeholders. Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development is a shared long-term vision of the kind of Finland we want to see in the future, ‘the Finland we want by 2050’.

Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development Link to an external website

Forest Tree Improvement 2050

Forest tree improvement is used to adapt the genetic properties of forest reproductive material to better meet people's needs so that the value of products made from wood increases, the rotation period of forest cultivation is shortened and its economic profitability improves.

Forest Tree Improvement 2050Link to an external website (in Finnish) 

Finland's strategy for the recreational use of nature

The mission of the strategy extending until 2030 is to help citizens to feel better, connect with nature and respect it. The vision is to invest in the recreational use of nature as a national success factor, increase the value of local nature in decision-making and ensure that more and more people find a suitable way to move around in nature.

Finland's strategy for the recreational use of natureLink to an external website

Helmi Habitats Programme

Helmi Habitats Programme is a joint programme of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of the Environment that aims to strengthen biodiversity in Finland and safeguard the vital ecosystem services provided by nature. At the same time, climate change mitigation and adaptation are promoted.

Helmi Habitats Programme

Finland’s Sustainable Growth Programme

The Sustainable growth Programme for Finland ecologically supports socially and economically sustainable growth.

Finland’s Sustainable Growth Programme: Forestry projects 

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Forest Biodiversity Programme for Southern Finland METSO