Project to update the Management Plan for the Wolf Population

The project on updating the Management Plan for the Wolf Population in Finland was launched in September 2018. The Management Plan for the Wolf Population in Finland was adopted on 5 November 2019.

This page contains news, press releases and materials related to the project to update the Management Plan.

Read more about the management plans for large carnivores and the plans currently in force.

Current issues


Press release: Management Plan for the Wolf Population aims to manage wolf-related conflicts and safeguard the vitality of the wolf population


Press release: New draft Management Plan for the Wolf Population sent for comments


News item: Engagement needed at the local level to implement the measures in Management Plan for the Wolf Population


News item: GPS collaring provides extensive and useful information on wolves


News item: Working group preparing the Management Plan for the Wolf Population discusses illegal hunting of wolves


News item: Working group preparing the Management Plan for the Wolf Population discusess multispecies population management


News item: Finland strengthens wolf-related cooperation with Sweden and Norway


News item: Communication is key when updating the Management Plan for the Wolf Population


News item: Decisions to grant derogations concerning wolves are always made on a case-by-case basis


News item: "Wolves that pose a threat" should be defined more precisely


News item: Wolf attacks on domestic animals can be prevented


News item: Working group preparing the Management Plan for the Wolf Population discusses preventing damage to dogs