Damage to crops, animals and movable property

Damages compensated for as damage to crops include damage caused to arable land, horticulture land, nursery plantation and harvested crop. No compensation is paid for damage to game management fields.

Damages compensated for as damage to animals include damage caused to a domestic animal, farmed animal, honey crop and fences, buildings and other similar structures used for the keeping of animals. The current values to be to be used when calculating the compensation for damage to animals are laid down by a decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Damage to a dog caused by a large carnivore may be compensated for only if the dog was in controlled circumstances in the yard or garden of its owner or holder or other premises intended for it when the damage occurred. No compensation will be paid for damage to a hunting dog, if the damage was caused by a large carnivore that was the object of the hunt in which the dog participated.

Damages compensated for as damage to movable property include damage caused to inanimate movable property other than that referred to in connection with traffic damages and damage to crops or animals.

Damage to crops, animals and movable property should be reported to the municipal rural business authority. A field inspection may be organised when necessary.

Damage to domestic animals and agriculture caused by large carnivores in the 2010s, graphFile opens in a new tab pdf 755kB