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Natural constraint payments

Enabling cultivation in northern conditions

Finland is the northernmost country with agricultural production in Europe. The country is remote from other European market areas. The northern climate limits agricultural activities, and the Finnish growing season is short.

Natural constraint payments are support for farmers. Natural constraint payments help to close the gap in cultivation costs compared to other production areas in Europe. Natural constraint payments are part of the common agricultural policy (CAP) and they are included in Finland's CAP Strategic Plan from 2023.

The aim of natural constraint payments is to ensure that agricultural production continues in Finland. The end of production would lead to the afforestation of arable land. These compensations prevent it. The payments also help maintain open and managed rural landscapes. The economic development of farms maintains employment in rural areas and the economic development of regions.

Read more on other websites

Finland's CAP Strategic Plan on EU-websiteLink to an external website


Further information

Eero Pehkonen, Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Food Department, Unit for Rural Development Telephone:0295162217   Email Address: