Projects of the Catch the Carbon -programme
Several open funding calls have been organised in 2020-2023 to implement climate measures in the land use sector (Catch the Carbon -programme). The projects are divided in research and innovation (R&I) projects and development projects.
The research and innovation programme funds projects that produce a new knowledge and innovative solutions for the land use sector that help to reduce carbon emissions from land use and to maintain and strengthen carbon sinks and carbon storages.
Development projects are practical, research-based projects that promote the transition towards climate-sustainable agriculture, forestry and other land use. The projects to be funded will accelerate the reduction of emissions in the land use sector, the maintenance and strengthening of carbon sinks and storages, preparedness and adaptation to climate change, and produce information to support climate actions and promote the use of this information.
The development projects also include projects that implement a separate information programme. The information programme maps out the current state of the land use sector and identifies development needs and proposals for measures for acquiring data sets in the land use sector, developing their use and promoting their efficient utilisation, including information products, services and modelling.
A selection of the projects, mainly forest-related, are listed on this page. Full list of projects can be found on the Finnish version of the page.
Impact evaluation of the development projects under the Catch the carbon Programme, policy briefFile opens in a new tab pdf 215kB (2023, PDF)