Operating model for planning the after-use of cutaway peatlands (MERLIN)
Projects of the Catch the Carbon -programme
Tapio Oy and Finnish Environment Institute
Duration: 2021-2025
After-use of cutaway peatlands and future roles of employees of the field the area released from peat production will increase rapidly in the next few years. After-use options include afforestation, ash fertilization, wetlands, moss or other peatland plant cultivation. Also, there is a need for grassed fields as migratory birds resting areas. Wetlands on cutaway areas can also be used as water protection solution for forestry, where waters from the surrounding ditch network maintenance or forest regeneration area are directed to the wetland.
Also, there is an ongoing debate on the employment and future of entrepreneurs of the field. At the same time, the fair treatment of those facing unemployed and the transfer of competence to new profitable activities must be ensured.
In the EU-funded project MERLIN, Tapio acts as Syke's partner and produces an after-use plan for a former cutaway peatland pilot site. Tapio will tender the implementations of the structures and supervise constructions. Tapio produces an operating model for the after-use of a cutaway peatlands planning and implementation. Simultaneously, options for the re-employment of entrepreneurs are being considered. As part of the project, the scalability of the developed mode land its applicability to different cutaway areas is examined.
The project includes three work packages
WP 1 examines the amount of land area released from peat production in Finland.
WP 2 describes and tests the operating model for the after-use of a former cutaway peatland pilot site. The preliminary plan, based on a field survey, is drafted. A plan for after-use is prepared from the gathered material. Tendering for contracting of the implementation of needed structures as well as control and follow-up of the work will be conducted.
WP 3 co-operates with local peat entrepreneurs and landowners. Examines the opportunities for entrepreneurs and employees to find employment after peat production. As a result, an operating model for the after-use of the peat production area is created. The operating model describes the workflow of the progress.
Further information
Project MerlinLink to an external website