Implementation of the strategy
The National Forest Strategy will be implemented in 2023–2035. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry coordinates the implementation of the Forest Strategy and its monitoring. The task of the National Forest Council is to monitor the progress of the implementation of the strategy. The Forest Council working committee prepares the matters to be brought to the deliberations of the Forest Council and promotes the implementation of its decisions. The implementation of the strategy will also be promoted by networks consisting of experts and stakeholder representatives to be established for the key projects of the Forest Strategy. In addition to this, the International Forest Policy Network will continue to operate. A more detailed action plan related to the goals of the strategy has been prepared to ensure implementation.
The Forest Strategy will be implemented at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry through performance management, legislation, support systems, development projects and regional forest programmes. The Forest Strategy is also implemented by several different ministries. The regional forest programmes implement the National Forest Strategy in the regions. They promote the diverse and sustainable use of forests, taking into account local starting points, development needs and objectives.
The Forest Strategy will be implemented within the framework of the central government spending limits decisions and the budget. The level of the subsidies to be granted and the financing of the key projects of the Forest Strategy and their measures in the central government spending limits and budget processes will be decided annually. EU project funding can also be applied for to implement the measures.
Action Plan describes the most essential measures included in the key projects of the Forest Strategy in a more concrete way as project templates through which project work under the strategy will be done in 2023–2027.
The National Forest Strategy 2035 Action Plan 2023–2027File opens in a new tab pdf 658kB
Further information
Erno Järvinen, metsäneuvos, yksikön päällikkö
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Metsä- ja biotalousyksikkö Telephone:0295162150 Email Address:
Satu Rantala, Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Metsä- ja biotalousyksikkö Telephone:0295162045 Email Address: