Hunting restrictions

Hunting can be regulated on various grounds laid down in the Hunting Act and the Hunting Decree.

Finnish hunting legislation and hunting activities are based on the principle of sustainable use. Hunting is regulated taking into account the size and development of game animal populations. The Natural Resources Institute Finland uses various game monitoring methods to produce up-to-date information to serve as a basis for decisions concerning the regulation of hunting.

Voluntary restrictions

Hunting clubs and other holders of hunting rights often restrict hunting on a voluntary basis. In practice, this means prohibiting the hunting of certain game species, setting up closed areas or introducing quotas for the game bag.

It is important to keep in mind that hunters also have certain responsibilities. Through their own hunting practices, all hunters can help to ensure that hunting activities comply with the principle of sustainable use.


Decrees on hunting restrictions

The Hunting Decree specifies and complements the provisions of the Hunting Act. Other key decrees concerning hunting and game management include the Government Decree on Wildlife and Game Administration and the decrees issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on hunting restrictions, such as the maximum bag numbers allowed during the hunting year.

The Hunting Decree specifies the Hunting Act, for example, by laying down more detailed provisions on hunting licences, hunting methods, hunting devices, the tasks of a hunting master, closed seasons and trade in game animals.

Provisions on current bag limits and other restrictions are issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


Useful external website

The Finnish Wildlife AgencyLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

Erä Hunting servicesLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab