Parliamentary working group on sparsely populated areas
The Government appointed a parliamentary working group on 19 October 2023 to improve the conditions and opportunities in the sparsely populated areas of Finland. The term of the working group is 23 October 2023–28 February 2027.
The task of the parliamentary working group is to monitor the special questions related to sparsely populated areas and to strengthen their vitality. The aim to develop sparsely populated areas is included in the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government. In its work, the working group can make use of the results of the previous working group on sparsely populated areas 2020–2023. The working group will draw up development proposals and present possible solutions. Its work is part of the ‘broad’ rural policy and the actors involved in this.
A particular focus will be on the following measures:
- Exploring the opportunities to create incentives to promote migration to rural areas and the archipelago, in accordance with the Government Programme
- Presenting development proposals and proposals for measures to address the special problems and solutions related to sparsely populated areas
- Participating in and making proposals for the preparation of the Rural Policy Report
- Monitoring and promoting necessary adaptation actions in areas with a shrinking population
- Promoting other actions concerning sparsely populated areas in the Government Programme and monitoring the progress of the initiatives of the previous parliamentary working group
Read more
The Government Project Register Hankeikkuna (in Finnish)
Appointment decision of the working group (in Finnish)Link to an external website
Further information
Auli Sihvola, Senior Specialist
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Food Department, Unit for Rural Development Telephone:0295162442 Email Address: