Strengthening Biodiversity in Finnish Forests: Insights from the Scientific Café in Helsinki
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Publication date:18.12.2024 12.00
Catch the Carbon projects to be presented at several side events of COP28
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Publication date:5.12.2023 16.16
Finnish research on climate-smart land use provides tools for international climate work – Results of Catch the Carbon projects presented to OECD countries in Paris
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Publication date:13.11.2023 13.55
Finland's chairmanship of Barents Forest Sector culminated in Barents Forest Forum in Rovaniemi
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Publication date:5.10.2023 14.00
EU celebrates Organic Day for second time
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Publication date:19.9.2023 8.00
Cuisine takes Finland to world stage
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Publication date:18.9.2023 5.00
Impactful climate work in Catch the Carbon projects
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Publication date:16.5.2023 8.46
Finland shows the way in carbon sequestration and soil research – topical themes in EU
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Publication date:27.4.2023 13.45
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry involved in project to prepare for European forest partnership
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Publication date:24.11.2022 15.43
Webinar: The Nordic Kitchen Manifesto - a catalyst for exploring future dialogues on sustainable and healthy food systems
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Publication date:10.9.2021 11.45
“Support from all friends of nature needed” – lake trout in Kuusamo one step closer to freedom
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Publication date:31.8.2021 14.08
Record number of participants attend Pre-Summit ahead of UN Food Systems Summit in September
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Publication date:30.7.2021 10.37
Nordic food system solutions discussed at summer meeting hosted by Finland
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Publication date:24.6.2021 18.07
FAO investigates climate change impacts on plant pests
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Publication date:1.6.2021 17.05
Finland prepares for the UN Food Systems Summit
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Publication date:4.3.2021 15.54
Mexico and Finland intensify cooperation in the forest sector
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Publication date:3.11.2020 17.29
Forests, water and food discussed at the South Savo bioeconomy forum
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Publication date:13.10.2020 15.24
Series of regional bioeconomy forums started in Central Ostrobothnia
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Publication date:6.10.2020 8.00
Stakeholder event on Oma kala (Own fish) online service
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Publication date:2.10.2020 8.23
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland contributes to a new paper on science diplomacy in plant health published by Nature Plants
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Publication date:9.9.2020 14.15