Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry involved in project to prepare for European forest partnership

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry participates in a project on preparing for a European forest partnership to promote research cooperation in the forest sector. The four-year project ‘European Forest Research and Innovation Ecosystem’ EUFORE, implemented under the Horizon Europe Programme, will evaluate and outline the research, development and innovation needs in the forest sector and provide a platform for strengthening European cooperation. The work is led by the European Forest Institute (EFI).
The Horizon Europe Programme provides funding for European partnerships together with different stakeholders in the private and/or public sector. These partnerships will invite applications for funding for research, development and innovation projects.
The European Commission has recognised a total of 49 partnerships between Member States, research financers, research organisations, companies and other entities with varying backgrounds and activities, which create synergies between the different EU policies and programmes. Some of the partnerships have already started their work and some will do this following the new work programme 2023–2024. None of these partnerships is directly targeted to the forest sector, which is why negotiations have been started with the Commission concerning a forest partnership to be included in the programme as from 2025.
The objective of the EUFORE project, officially launched on 1 November 2022, is to create a framework for international, sustainable and comprehensive cooperation together with a wide range of stakeholders. The participants will evaluate, define and create a common strategic research and innovation agenda for the European forest sector, supported by a roadmap with measures and stakeholder commitments. The work to be done supports the preparation of a possible future forest partnership under the Horizon Europe Programme.
The number of organisations participating in the EUFORE project is 16 and they represent 10 different countries. The project is coordinated by the European Forest Institute (EFI). The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has a key role in the project as it coordinates the preparation of the strategic research agenda for the future forest partnership.
The project will start with an opening meeting in Brussels on 24–25 November 2022. More information will become available on EUFORE’s website and in social media channels.
Inquiries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry:
Mika Kallio, Project Manager, tel. +358 295 162 212