Climate and energy policy defines common goals for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Adaptation measures aim to build capacity to prepare for the impacts of the changing climate, and to manage the associated risks.
Climate plan for the land use sector »
Achieving the target of a carbon neutral Finland by 2035 requires significant measures fast to reduce emissions in the energy and transport sectors, as well as emission reductions in the land use sector and strengthening carbon sinks and reservoirs.
Biological diversity, or biodiversity, means the variety of all forms of life: genetic variation within species, the abundance of species and the diversity of their habitats.
The conservation of genetic resources ensures the diversity of crops and domestic animals, thus forming the foundation of our food security.
Alien species are species that have spread to a new area due to human activity. Invasive alien species are prevented through legislation and management plans.
Mires and peatlands make up about a third of Finland’s total land area.
Bioenergy accounts for over a quarter of Finland’s energy use. Wood-based fuels are the main source of bioenergy in Finland.