Forests are a renewable natural resource as well as a source of economic and social welfare. Forests have a central role in Finland’s nature and its diversity. Sustainable use and management of forests define the principles of forestry in Finland.
See the video: Finnish forests – full of possibilitiesLink to an external website
Strategies and programmes: National Forest Strategy, The Forest Biodiversity Action Programme METSO, Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy
Acts and decrees ensure sustainable forestry.
Forests are a major source of both economic and social well-being for Finland.
Diverse forests are the ecological basis on which all forest management is based.
Ecosystem services mean the various benefits and amenities that nature offers to humans.
Besides pulp, paper and sawnwood, new products and services have been derived from wood and its constituents.
International cooperation and EU forest issues »
It is important for Finland to take an active part in the preparation and implementation of EU and international forest policy
Metsähallitus (State Forest), Finnish Forest Centre, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)