Forestry in Finland

Forests are a major source of both economic and social wellbeing for Finland. About one in seven Finns come from families who own forests. The material resources and amenity values of forests provide a wide range of opportunities for income generation, employment and business. Furthermore, forests are important settings for recreation and generating wider benefits in terms of health and happiness.

Finland’s forests represent the country’s most significant renewable natural resource. As the demand for natural resources rises, in the future Finland’s timber reserves are sure to become an even more important asset. Since forests have so many roles as a source of wood-based products, energy, recreation and wellbeing, it is important to ensure that their benefits are utilised widely but also sustainably. Forests are also in a significant role when considering the urgent need to combat and adapt to climate change.

The objectives of Finnish forest policy are to secure the pre-requisites for sustainable forestry and multiple uses of forests in a manner that is economically viable while preserving the biodiversity of forest nature. The general objectives of the Finnish forest policy are outlined in the National Forest Strategy.

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Forest resources in Finland
Sustainable Forest Management 

Forestry helps to mitigate adapt to climate change
Forest health
Forest inventories
Public funding for private forestry generates benefits for all
Forest reproductive material and forest tree breeding

Related links

Forests in Finland 2020 fact sheet (Natural Resources Institute Finland)Link to an external website
Forest Sector in Finland ( to an external website
Video: Finnish forests – Full of possibilitiesLink to an external website

Further information

Erno Järvinen, metsäneuvos, yksikön päällikkö 
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Metsä- ja biotalousyksikkö Telephone:0295162150   Email Address:

Satu Rantala, Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Metsä- ja biotalousyksikkö Telephone:0295162045   Email Address: