National energy and climate change policy
National strategy for energy and climate change
The Government has given a report on the energy and climate change policy to the Parliament in 2001, 2005, 2008 and 2013. The preparation of a new Energy and Climate Change Strategy has been started under the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. The work is to be completed in 2016.
More information: Energy and Climate Strategy of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy
National Energy and Climate Strategy 2013
Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture
The Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture "Steps towards Climate Friendly Food" was published in 2014. The programme presents 76 measures to promote climate change adaptation and/or to mitigate climate change. The selected measures are in line with the most recent scientific information and they are founded on the views of experts specialised in the food system.
Climate Change Act and medium-term climate change policy plan
The national Climate Change Act (609/2015), which came into effect on 1 June 2015, provides for the climate change policy planning systems and monitoring the achievement of targets relating to climate change. The medium-term reduction target for greenhouse gases specified in the Act is 80% below 1990 emission levels by 2050.
According to the Climate Change Act, the medium-term climate change policy plan applies to sectors outside emissions trading – transport, individual heating of buildings, waste management and agriculture – and it contains a climate change action programme and estimates of emission trends. The Ministry of the Environment coordinates the preparation of the plan, while each of the other ministries prepares the section concerning its own administrative branch. The plan is prepared in connection with the National Energy and Climate Strategy
Further information
Lotta Heikkonen, Chief Specialist
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Unit for Natural Resources and Water Management Telephone:0295162074 Email Address: