Council of the EU Working Party on Commodities (PROBA)
International commodity agreements are mostly agreed within the framework of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). They aim to develop international trade in commodities produced in developing countries and their sustainable production by enhancing collaboration between producing and consuming countries.
EU positions on commodity issues are coordinated by the Working Party on Commodities (PROBA), operating under the Council of the European Union.
International commodity organisations in 2015:
- International Tropical Timber Organization, ITTO (linkki allaolevaan ITTO -tekstiin)
- International Coffee Organization, ICO
- International Cocoa Organization, ICCO
- International Sugar Organization, ISO
- International Grains Council, IGC
- International Olive Council, IOC
- International Cotton Advisory Committee, ICAC
- International Rubber Study Group, IRSG
- International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, INBAR
- International Nickel Study Group, INSG
- International Copper Study Group, ICSG
- International Lead and Zinc Study Group, LZSG
Most issues related to these commodities fall within the administrative branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The Ministry therefore coordinates these issues at the national level and appoints Finland’s representative to PROBA. The Ministry of Employment and the Economy deals with issues concerning copper, lead, zinc and nickel, and participates in the activities of the related international research groups. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs conducts Finland’s preparatory and monitoring work relating to the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and defines Finland’s development policies.
The European Union is a member in all the commodity organisations listed above, except for the international organisation for bamboo and rattan. Negotiations on joining the commodity organisation for cotton are under way. In recent years, Finland has been active in the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and currently holds the presidency of consuming countries.
Further information: Mr Kimmo Närhinen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 16 2257 kimmo.narhinen@mmm.fiLink to an external website