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Exporting food of animal origin

Foodstuffs of animal origin include meat, meat products, milk, milk-based products, fishery products, birds’ eggs and egg products, honey and other apiculture products, frogs’ legs and snails. Foodstuffs of animal origin also include composite products that contain processed products of animal origin. The “export” of foodstuffs of animal origin means their movement from the EU to a non-EU country (a “third country”). However, if the foodstuffs are moved to a country that is considered equal with EU Member States based on an agreement between the country and the EU, the movement is not considered exportation to a third country but intra-Union trade. Such countries include, for example, Norway, Switzerland and Iceland.

Export requirements

Exports of food of animal origin to a third country must meet the requirements of the country of destination and any country of transit. The operator exporting the products is responsible for ascertaining and meeting the export requirements. If Finland or the EU has made an agreement with the third country concerning the export of foodstuffs of animal origin, exports must also comply with the provisions of the agreement.

Export control

An operator exporting foodstuffs of animal origin to a third country must be registered in the register maintained by the Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira.

The exports of food of animal origin are controlled by municipal veterinarians and in slaughterhouses and connected establishments by veterinary inspectors. The veterinarian controls that the export consignment meets the export requirements of the country of destination and issues the consignment a veterinary certificate.

Further information

Further information

Hentriikka Kontio, eläinlääkintöneuvos 
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Food Department, Unit for Animal and Plant Health Telephone:0295162423   Email Address: