SCA and Coreper

Due to the highly technical nature of the legislation on the common agricultural policy (CAP) and rural development, a separate preparatory body called the Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA) was created in the early 1960s to prepare the matters. The SCA meets 2–4 times a month and discusses all CAP-related matters that will be addressed by the Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH).

The Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) prepares or coordinates the work of the Council. The committee consists of the Member States’ permanent representatives and deputy permanent representatives working in Brussels. Of the issues included in the remit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Coperer usually deals with fisheries, veterinary, plant health and food safety matters and budgetary issues concerning agriculture.

In addition to the SCA and Coreper, issues discussed in the AGRIFISH Council are also prepared by Council working parties. After the preparatory stage, measures are discussed either by Coreper or SCA before they are submitted to the Council for discussion or adoption.


Related links

Special Committee on AgricultureLink to an external website

CoreperLink to an external website

Committees and working partiesLink to an external website