Research strategy

At the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the core task of research and development activities is to proactively produce knowledge, expertise and innovations to support decision-making, promote the competitiveness of economic activities and ensure the sustainable use of renewable natural resources.

This is the first RDI Agenda of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s, and its framework is the RDI policy, which is based on the Ministry’s strategy. The RDI Agenda aims to:

  • Refine the broad thematic areas presented in the RDI policy and summarise the key RDI requirements within the Ministry’s scope of responsibility until 2030
  • Complement the definition of the RDI requirements in the context of the Ministry’s policy programmes
  • Help the Ministry to form a position on the priorities of domestic and international RDI funding programmes together with other ministries and stakeholders
  • Contribute to guiding the allocation of the Ministry’s RDI resources

The RDI Agenda will be implemented within the available funding and other resources and, on a case-by-case basis, using the most appropriate national and international funding sources. 

RDI agendaFile opens in a new tab pdf 685kB
RDI agenda short versionFile opens in a new tab pdf 444kB

See also

Research, Development and Innovation PolicyFile opens in a new tab pdf 2MB

The role of RDI in implementing The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's Strategy for 2030