Kuvassa äiti ja tytär ostamassa marjoja ja vihanneksia.

The circular economy is an opportunity for Finland

The key objective of the circular economy is to save natural resources and utilise materials efficiently and sustainably. The circular economy is an economic model that does not continuously produce more goods. Instead of owning, consumption is based on the use of services: sharing, renting and recycling. In the end, materials are not destroyed but used as raw materials for new products.

The transition to a circular economy is progressing, and Finland can also create innovations for exports and offer solutions to global challenges.

Strategic Programme for the Circular economy and plastics Roadmap

The Government adopted a resolution on the strategic programme for the circular economy in spring 2021. The aim is to transform the circular economy into a new foundation for the economy by 2035. With the programme, the Government wants to strengthen Finland's role as a leader in the circular economy.

The plastics Roadmap 2.0 is an extensive national programme aiming to achieve a breakthrough in the circular economy of plastics in Finland by 2030.


Related links

Strategic programme to promote a circular economy (Ministry of the Environment)Link to an external website
Plastics Roadmap for Finland: Reduce, refuse, recycle and replace (Ministry of the Environment)Link to an external website


Further information