To monitor achievement of the goals of the Forest Strategy, a set of indicators has been prepared describing the general development of the forest-based sector, implementation of the strategy, and the effectiveness of measures taken. At least one performance indicator has been set for each goal of the Forest Strategy. Target levels for the indicators have been defined for 2035 either as a numerical value or as a direction of change. The performance indicators are related to the key projects of the project portfolio, so they can also be used to monitor the implementation or effectiveness of the measures. The indicators also include general spatial indicators describing the development of the forest-based sector and input indicators for the measures. Some of the indicators are carried out as surveys, and there are also indicators that require development work to define and obtain data.
The Forest Council annually reviews the achievement of the objectives of the Forest Strategy and the progress of the projects. The Forest Council assesses the success of the strategy objectives for the past year and prioritises the focus areas for the coming year. If necessary, a mid-term review of the strategy is carried out.
As the operating environment and needs change, the indicators and measures can be specified and the need for changes arising from strategy monitoring, mid-term reviews and government programmes can be taken into account.
National Forest Strategy 2035 indicatorsLink to an external website (National Resources Institute Finland, in Finnish)
Further information
Erno Järvinen, metsäneuvos, yksikön päällikkö
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Metsä- ja biotalousyksikkö Telephone:0295162150 Email Address:
Satu Rantala, Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Metsä- ja biotalousyksikkö Telephone:0295162045 Email Address: