Forest Biodiversity Programme for Southern Finland (METSO)
Voluntary forest protection by landowners is particularly important in Southern Finland where the network of national parks and other nature reserves is not as developed as in other parts of Finland. Voluntary forest protection is promoted by the State through the Forest Biodiversity Programme for Southern Finland 2014–2025, called METSO.
The METSO Programme 2008–2025 aims to halt the ongoing decline in the biodiversity of forest habitats and species, and to establish at least stable or preferably favourable trends in Southern Finland’s forest ecosystems. The Programme is a collaborative effort between the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and different stakeholders.
The METSO Programme has been designed to enhance biodiversity by supplementing and improving Finland's network of protected areas and by maintaining and developing nature management practices for commercially managed forests. Conservation schemes will largely be based on voluntary participation of landowners willing to safeguard biodiversity in their own forests. The Programme also promotes the establishment of conservation networks between private forest owners and organisations. Restoration activities are also being carried out on existing protected areas on State owned land.
The METSO Programme offers various tools for the forest owners: they can offer their forests either for permanent protection or make temporary protection agreements. In addition, active nature management supported by the Programme is one way to increase biodiversity in managed stands. Forest owners and other stakeholders are also encouraged establish co-operative networks.
There are ten forested habitats, which are being preserved under the METSO Programme. The sites are selected according to their ecological structure and their value for biodiversity. Regional forest and environmental authorities decide if the site is suitable for the Programme. Compensation will be paid to landowners according to legislation in the Nature Conservation Act or the Act on the Financing of Sustainable Forestry.
Related links
METSO ProgrammeLink to an external website
METSO FactsheetFile opens in a new tab pdf 244kB
Further information
Ville Schildt, Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Metsä- ja biotalousyksikkö Telephone:0295162190 Email Address: