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Maximum residue limits for pesticides

Pesticides are used in food and feed production to protect crops form pest insects, weeds and diseases and to regulate plant growth. The objective of using these plant protection products is to improve the quantity and quality of crops to ensure sufficient food production.

Maximum limits have been determined for pesticide residues. These maximum residue limits (MRL) cannot be exceeded in products used as food or feed. MRLs have been set at a level that safeguards human and animal health.

If no maximum limit has been determined for a specific foodstuff and pesticide residue, the MRL is 0.01 mg/kg.



Further information

Tove Jern, Chief Specialist 
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Food Department, Food Safety Unit Telephone:0295162318   Email Address:

Anna Lemström, Senior Officer 
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Food Department, Food Safety Unit Telephone:0295162145   Email Address: