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Multi-purpose expert in forestry - remotely (E-Precision)

Projects related to the National Forest Strategy of Finland -page
Projects related to the Climate Plan for the Land Use Sector -page 
Precision forestry projects in the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Finland -page 


Finnish Forest Centre (SMK), Natural Resources Institute (LUKE), University of Turku, Peimari group for Further Education and Training / The Livia College

Project description

Duration: 2023-2025

The E-Precision project produces a comprehensive, virtual training material on precision forestry.
For the material, 25 demonstration sites will be carried out in the forest, the themes of which are
forest regeneration, tending of seedling stands, fellings, continuous-cover and periodic cover
silviculture, nature management, peatland forest management, game forest management and
water protection.

The demonstrations are based on research data. Their overarching goals are increasing climate
resilience and promoting biodiversity. Experts from the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
the Finnish Forest Center are responsible for the practical planning of the demonstrations. They
are physically implemented in South-Western Finland.

The digital material can be used nationwide. It contains pictures, videos and verbal descriptions of
the demonstrations and practical implementation of the demonstrations, the selection and
justification of the methods used, and the research basis. The material is easily accessible. The
material is primarily aimed at not that active forest owners who do not participate in traditional
trainings. It can also be used by forestry professionals and students.

The training material will be compiled as an integral part of the Finnish Forest Center's website
and will continue to be actively maintained after the end of the project. In addition to self-study,the training material also supports trainings organized for the target group.

As part of the project, five webinars and two study trips to the demonstration site will be held.
The project is actively communicated on social media. A podcast is produced about precision
forestry. Over 50,000 forest owners will be reached.

The implementation period of the project is April 1, 2023-Septembder 31, 2025. The project is managed by the Finnish Forest Center and the Natural Resources Institute
Finland, the Department of Biology of the University of Turku and Peimari group for Further
Education and Training / The Livia College are part of the project.
Additional information
Elinkeinopäällikkö Minna Rautalin, tel +358 50 469 9090,