National Remote Sensing and Forest Digital Twin
Projects related to the National Forest Strategy of Finland -page
Projects related to the Climate Plan for the Land Use Sector -page
Precision forestry projects in the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Finland -page
Finnish Forest Centre (SMK), Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd, National Land Survey of Finland (MML)
Project description
Duration: 2023-2025
Finnish Forest Centre, Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd and National Land Survey of Finland are testing
and defining the production specifications of the next national laser scanning and aerial
photography program 2026–2031, as well as the forest inventory methods and data model.
In the project, more accurate laser scanning and aerial photography data will be acquired from
two different test areas, which are also production areas. That will allow the comparison of the
current forest interpretation and to utilize the same field sample plot data measured in
production. The next step in the inventory of forests, even in large areas, is individual tree
detection method. In addition to more precise forest variables, this enables interpretation of the
forest structure related to diversity and unevenaged silviculture (forest layers and spatial pattern
of trees). Interpretation of various special trees could be possible, such as dead or decaying trees,
possible severe insects damage or large deciduous trees. In the project, carbon calculation is also tested and defined for the forest data production. In addition, the forest site classes interpretation method will be tested based on laser scanning data from two different time periods.
The results of previous development projects will be utilised, practical information needs will be
clarified, and future inventory methods and new forest information model will be tested and
defined. The goal is also to offer new opportunities for companies offering information services
based on open forest and nature information. More accurate remote sensing data can also be
used more widely in the development work of different organizations.
Additional information
Chief Forest Data Specialist Juho Heikkilä, Finnish Forest Centre (SMK)