Wild Boar Weekend shows the collaborative spirit of hunters

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 23.2.2018 9.56 | Published in English on 23.2.2018 at 12.07
Type:News item

The wild boar population has grown in Finland, creating new interesting opportunities for hunting but also a growing risk of African swine fever (AFS) spreading to our country. The Wild Boar Weekend proves the good collaborative spirit that prevails among hunters and their professional skills in controlling the wild boar population.

Hunting clubs have been eager to participate in areas where wild boar is found in Finland.  On 23 February hunting will take place in Kouvola region and some other locations and on 24 February in Southwest Finland, as a collaborative effort of several hunting clubs. During the weekend the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Jari Leppä and Permanent Secretary Jaana Husu-Kallio will also join the hunt.

– I am very excited to see if any wild boars will come within my range. It takes a lot of patience and skill to find where the animals are. There is also another side to keeping the population under control. Wild boars spread African swine fever, and hunting is one way to try and prevent it, Minister Leppä says. 

– Wild boars are still quite few and far between in Finland, but the rarity of the species and shared experience of the hunting party are what attracts people to the hunt. How many hunters in Finland can say that they have shot a wild boar - not that many, Husu-Kallio says as she describes the two kills she has made.

Wild boar represents a new and interesting game animal and type of hunting. During the weekend information will be provided on wild boar hunting, game recipes and dishes and African swine fever.

– Wild boar makes an interesting addition to the range of game animal species found in Finland.  The hunt is also very challenging, which is why it is important to train the hunters. Just recently the Finnish Hunters’ Association published a guidebook for hunters. Together with the Finnish Wildlife Agency we are also organising training for those providing official assistance on issues involving large game animals, says Tuomas Hallenberg, President of the Finnish Hunters’ Association.

Inquiries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry:
Vesa Ruusila, Head of Unit for Recreational Use of Nature, tel. +358 295 162 051, vesa.ruusila@mmm.fi.

Inquiries at the Finnish Hunters’ Association
Teemu Simenius, Association Manager, tel. +358 50 331 5330, teemu.simenius@metsastajaliitto.fi

Animals and plants Food and agriculture Jari Leppä Wildlife and game