Strategies and programmes

The Finnish Fishing Act requires us to ensure the good status of fish stocks. The objective of managing fish stocks should be to use fish resources in an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable manner. Multiannual plans help maintain the viability of fish stocks and ensure their natural life cycle. Fish stock management measures should also preserve the biodiversity of other aquatic flora and fauna.

There are different strategies and programmes to secure the conditions for recreational fishing, commercial fisheries and the management of fishing waters. The objective is to identify challenges and to reach the target state through the measures proposed. Strategies and programmes concerning specific species and species groups take into account the special management needs of each population. Different strategies and programmes also help Finland fulfil its national and international obligations.

Further information

Risto Lampinen, yksikön päällikkö 
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resources Department, Fisheries Industry Unit Telephone:0295162458   Email Address: