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Cultural Dimension in Overall Sustainability (MEKKO)

Projects related to the National Forest Strategy


Lusto – Suomen Metsämuseo sekä Turun yliopiston Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus


Duration: 2020-2021

National Forest Strategy (2019) aims at overall sustainability in connection to forest issues and
forestry. In Strategy, it is also identified that the concept of cultural sustainability needs to be defined more clearly. Overall sustainability, included in the aims of NFS, cannot be reached without cultural sustainability and goal-oriented cultural transformation. In the current discussion about sustainability in forestry, this has not enough been taken into consideration.

In the project ”Cultural Dimension in Overall Sustainability” the concept of cultural sustainability will be defined, concretized and introduced by a cultural sustainability working group established in the project and in several workshops arranged by the group. The results will be published as a report.

Related links

Cultural Dimension in Overall Sustainability (final report) in Finnish

Further information

Leena Paaskoski, Lusto, first, puh. 050 366 9552