EUSBSR - what is it? Read about the strategy on the new website!
The website on nutrient recycling under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is now open. The EU launched the strategy in 2009. Because of the broad range of issues covered, it was considered appropriate to also have dedicated web pages for the strategy on the Ministry’s website.
The key focus of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is on three issues: to save the sea, increase prosperity, and connect the region. Within the strategy the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is responsible for nutrient recycling in agriculture and forestry. The Ministry is one of the parties responsible for the Policy Area Bioeconomy.
- In particular, the Ministry coordinates sustainable agriculture and nutrient recycling. Both of these issues are highly topical and relevant for the whole Baltic Sea region, says Ministerial Adviser Leena Anttila.
The three objectives of the strategy are coordinated across the Baltic Sea. Besides the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the key players with regard to the objectives of the strategy in Finland are the Ministry of the Environment and the Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafi. The Ministry of the Environment aims at reducing nutrient emissions in the Policy Area Nutri and Trafi works for safe maritime transport in the Policy Area Safe.
- The Baltic Sea region has many special strengths. By further enhancing these we can increase the prosperity of the whole region, and by making good use of the high level of education and competence in the Baltic Sea states we can find new and fresh solutions to nutrient recycling. These strengths are also utilised in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region, Leena Anttila says about the nature of the strategy.
Besides promoting nutrient recycling under the Baltic Sea Strategy, coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, work to this end is also done in the Government key project concerning the experimentation programme ‘Nutrient recycling into practice’ and by means of special funding from the Rural Development Programme.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
Inquiries Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry:
Leena Anttila, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 16 2240