Ban on salmon fishing in River Tenojoki into force on 10 June 2022

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 10.6.2022 13.55 | Published in English on 13.6.2022 at 10.57
Type:Press release
Kuva: Jaakko Vähämäki

The ban on salmon fishing in the River Tenojoki entered into force on 10 June 2022, when the President of the Republic approved the act concerning the ban. According to the act, salmon is fully protected and fishing gear intended for salmon fishing is prohibited until the end of the year.

A person who violates the ban may be sentenced to a fine. In addition, if any salmon are caught, the value of the illegally caught fish as a representative of its species shall be ordered forfeit to the State. The value for salmon is EUR 3,480. 

This year it took exceptionally long to agree on the final fishing regulations concerning the River Tenojoki with respect to salmon. Besides the parliamentary proceedings, the legislative proposal had to be submitted to the Constitutional Law Committee. Even if the process went quite smoothly, it was still not possible to have the act in force before the start of the fishing season. 
Because of the ban on salmon fishing, the regulations concerning fishing for other species have been relaxed. Read more about the regulations that entered into force on 6 May in the press release of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (5 May 2022).

The prices of fishing licences for tourists and the quota for special licences for fishing right holders living outside the River Tenojoki region have been laid down by government decree. No salmon fishing is allowed with these licences, either. 

Inquiries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: 

Vesa Ruusila, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 162 051, vesa.ruusila(at)
Tapio Hakaste, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 162 152, tapio.hakaste(at)