Ban on salmon fishing in River Tenojoki to enter into force on 10 June

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 6.6.2022 14.05 | Published in English on 7.6.2022 at 12.32
Type:Press release
Kuva: Jaakko Vähämäki

The dates for the approval of the ban on salmon fishing in the River Tenojoki have now been set. The second reading in Parliament is on Tuesday 7 June and, if the bill is passed, the President of the Republic will approve the Act on Friday 10 June. The ban on salmon fishing would enter into force immediately.

In the press release of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry published on 1 June it was estimated that the ban could enter into force on 7 June. The delay was due to the necessary technical amendments to enable the Act to enter into force. 
“Even if the ban on salmon fishing is not yet in force, my sincere hope is that there will be no fishing in the River Tenojoki. This is a good opportunity for fishers to show responsibility and protect salmon populations by leaving their gear on the shore,” says Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Antti Kurvinen.
Salmon fishing is particularly harmful at the beginning of the summer as salmon that are of the greatest value for the population migrate into the river. Saving these large female fish is vital for the recovery of the salmon populations.

Inquiries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: 

Vesa Ruusila, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 162 051, vesa.ruusila(at)
Tapio Hakaste, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 162 152, tapio.hakaste(at)