Environmentally friendly precision harvesting

Projects related to the National Forest Strategy of Finland -page
Projects related to the Climate Plan for the Land Use Sector -page 
Precision forestry projects in the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Finland -page 


University of Helsinki, Tampere Vocational College TREDU, Arbonaut Oy

Project description

Duration: 2022-2024

The project aims to develop, test and demonstrate methods that will enable forest
practitioners to execute environmentally sound precision harvesting operations. Environmentally
sound precision harvesting means that unique features of forest nature will be taken into
considerations and decisions on the harvesting method will be done at micro-compartment level.
Micro-compartment level decision-making calls for improved information on standing trees, forest
soil and topography. A methodology to fit various goals set for forestry is also required as well as intelligent applications to implement precise information while harvesting.

The project will bring forth several new methods and applications that enable forest practitioners to examine forest growth potential, carbon dioxide absorption, biodiversity and environmental effects of forest operations. The methods to be developed will also enable us to examine the suitability of alternative silvicultural methods (rotation forestry, continuous cover forestry).

Additional information
Professor Jori Uusitalo, tel. +358 50 441 7473, jori.uusitalo@helsinki.fi