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Giant pandas are coming to Finland – 大熊猫来芬兰获得确认

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 5.4.2017 12.44
Press release

The contracts signed today, in the presence of the Presidents of Finland and China, confirm the housing of two giant pandas in Finland. So far China has cooperation on the conservation of and research on giant panda with thirteen countries.

− For the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry this is the culmination of international cooperation during Finland’s 100th anniversary of independence, Minister of Agriculture and the Environment Kimmo Tiilikainen rejoices.

The negotiations on the giant pandas between the two countries in 2015 progressed very smoothly. The contracts signed now give the opportunity to further expand the Finnish-Chinese research cooperation and strengthen the protection of giant panda. The Ähtäri Zoo is building an extensive pavilion for the giant pandas, with all the details specifically designed together with the leading Chinese experts to ensure their wellbeing. Both parties hope that the housing project will bring a good result. The Finnish climate is similar to the climate conditions in the Qionglai Mountains in China, the habitat of giant panda, where they are also used to snow.

The high standard of veterinary medicine in Finland provides the technical support for the cooperation project, where added value is sought for the development of high-level scientific research in both countries. A scientific steering group is to be appointed for the giant panda project, with various Finnish institutions, such as the Natural Resources Institute Finland and universities, to be involved in the work.

– In Ähtäri Zoo we are going to have top-class facilities for the giant pandas, where they have space in abundance and snow to enjoy. It is a great honour for Finland to participate in the conservation of this magnificent animal. The giant panda project continues the good cooperation we have had between Finland and China for decades in the forest sector, says Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, who has worked on the project from the very beginning.

Behind the giant panda project there is long-term forest cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the State Forest Administration (SFA) of China, as well as three forest conservation projects in the giant panda habitats in China coordinated by the University of Turku.

Based on the most recent panda census there are about 1,864 giant pandas living in the wild and 464 in zoos. A little more than a decade ago the number of giant pandas in the wild was 1,600 and in zoos 160. Active conservation and housing of giant pandas in China and abroad have proven successful in terms of strengthening the population. Transferring giant pandas outside China requires long-term and systematic scientific-technical conservation cooperation. Outside China there are now a total of 53 giant pandas living in eighteen zoos in thirteen different countries.

In Finland the giant panda project is the responsibility of the Ähtäri Zoo. The focus of the cooperation is on science-based housing and care of giant pandas and on the conservation of their natural habitat.

Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, tel. +358 40 029 1910, jaana.husu-kallio(at)mmm.fi
Jukka-Pekka Kataja, Special Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, tel. +358 50 341 9934, jukka-pekka.kataja(at)mmm.fi
Juhani Haapaniemi, CEO, Ähtäri Zoo, tel. +358 400 565 223, juhani.haapaniemi(at)ahtarizoo.fi



中芬两国将于今天, 在芬兰总统和中国国家主席的见证下签署协议, 宣布大熊猫将来到芬兰。迄今为止, 中国已经与13个国家开展了大熊猫保护合作研究。

芬兰农业与环境部长金莫·提里卡宁(Kimmo Tiilikainen)喜言: “对芬兰农业和林业部而言, 大熊猫的到来将是芬兰独立百年庆祝活动中国际合作的高潮。”

中芬两国于2015年启动的关于大熊猫合作项目的商谈, 进展得极为顺利。现在签署的合作协议让两国得以进一步拓展科研合作领域, 加强大熊猫的保护工作。 艾赫泰里动物园准备为将要来到芬兰的两只大熊猫建造宽敞的圈舍。该动物园的工作团队已经从保障大熊猫福祉的角度出发, 与中国的顶级专家们一起设计了大熊猫圈舍的具体细节。合作双方希望大熊猫项目在芬兰能够取得积极结果。芬兰的气候与大熊猫生活的中国邛崃山区的气候条件极其相似, 大熊猫也适应在白雪皑皑的环境下生存。

芬兰的高水准兽医科学将为开展大熊猫合作项目提供主要技术支撑。两国希望通过合作为各自国家的高端科研工作增添新的附加值。大熊猫合作项目将设立科研指导小组, 芬兰的科研机构比如芬兰自然资源研究中心和几所大学将参与科研指导小组的工作。

“艾赫泰里动物园将从大熊猫的福祉出发建造设施一流的熊猫中心, 让大熊猫能够享受宽敞的空间和天然的白雪。能够参与大熊猫这一珍稀物种的保护工作是芬兰的荣幸。大熊猫保护研究合作是中芬两国已经持续了几十年的森林保护合作的延续”, 芬兰农业和林业部的常务秘书雅娜·胡苏卡里欧(Jaana Husu-Kallio)介绍。她从一开始就是大熊猫合作项目的重要推动者。

大熊猫项目的背景是芬兰农业和林业部与中国国家林业局之间在森林领域长年开展的合作, 以及由芬兰图尔库大学负责协调的在中国的三个大熊猫生活区开展的森林保护项目。

根据最新统计, 目前在中国野外生活的大熊猫一共有1864只, 圈养的大熊猫一共有464只。十年前, 在野外生活的大熊猫约有1600只, 圈养的大熊猫大约有160只。长期以来在中国境内外积极推广的保护工作和圈养保护项目, 让熊猫种群数量得以扩大。将大熊猫送至海外, 需要合作国双方开展长期且有计划的保护研究合作。目前, 中国境外共有53只熊猫分别生活在13个国家的18家动物园里。



Jaana Husu-Kallio, 芬兰农业和林业部常务秘书, 电话:+358 40 0291910, 电子邮件: jaana.husu-kallio(at)mmm.fi

Jukka-Pekka Kataja, 农业部长特别助理, 电话: +358 50 341 9934, 电子邮件: jukka-pekka.kataja(at)mmm.fi

Juhani Haapaniemi, 艾赫泰里动物公园有限公司总经理, 电话: +358 400 565 223, 电子邮件: juhani.haapaniemi(at)ahtarizoo.fi

Animal protection Animals and plants EU and international affairs Kimmo Tiilikainen Nature and climate Research and development