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Food policy

Food policy creates the preconditions for the competitiveness and diversity of primary production, food safety, security of supply, and the operation of the food industry in Finland. It also helps to promote welfare in society, reinforces regional and local vitality, and encourages food sector companies to reinvent themselves and to develop their operations. Food policy aims at the responsible and sustainable production and consumption of food, as well as a food system that generates financial and social well-being. A common food policy supports the development of food citizenship.

The competitiveness, responsibility, market and consumer orientation and sufficiency of domestic food production from the perspective of security of supply were assessed in the Government report on food policy submitted to Parliament in February 2017.


Anna-Leena Miettinen, maatalousneuvos 
maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Ruokaosasto, Markkinayksikkö Puhelin:0295162409   Sähköpostiosoite: