ERA-NET Sumforest -haku avoinna 17.6.2016 saakka

The FP7 ERA-NET Sumforest invites you to submit relevant research proposals in the call for transnational collaborative research projects. The call opens on the 21st March 2016 with a closing date for proposals on the 17th June 2016.

The title of the call is "Sustainable forests for the society of the future". The present call for proposals focuses on basic and applied research that aims to support policy decisions regarding multifunctional forestry. Proposals are expected to be transnational, and innovative forms of cooperation such as interdisciplinarity are encouraged.

A one-step application will be used in this call. Proposals (in English language) must be submitted electronically. An optional pre-registration until the 20th May 2016 is strongly recommended to ensure eligibility. Instructions regarding submission, eligibility, evaluation criteria and other relevant information is available on the web-page:


Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö osallistuu SUMFOREST -ohjelman 1. haun rahoitukseen siten, että kotimaisille tutkimuspartnereille on varattu 200 000 euroa/vuosi kolmen vuoden ajan. Suomen rahoitusvolyymi on siis kokonaisuudessaan 600 000 euroa.

Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö toivoo ensisijaisesti hakemuksia hakuaiheesta 1:

”Comparative assessment of the sustainability performance of forest-based, other renewable and non-renewable raw material-based value chains to inform policy decisions”

Hankkeiden on hyvä vastata myös Suomen kansallisen biotalousstrategian tarpeisiin (

Lisätietoja hausta antaa apulaisosastopäällikkö Liisa Saarenmaa, MMM, puh. 029 516 2429 (   

Katso myös ”National Regulations

Haussa noudatetaan MMM:n rahoittaman tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnan yleisiä ehtoja:


Funding will be provided for Topic No 1Comparative assessment of the sustainability performance of forest-based, other renewable and non-renewable material-based value chains to inform policy decisions”, according to the standard research requirement procedures of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Research promoting the Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy is encouraged (

Maximum amount of funding for the call is 600.000 € for three years. Any Finnish researcher or organization is eligible to bid within eligible trans-national consortia.

If Finnish research providers are involved in a successful proposal, then contracting and payments will be according to standard procedures and standard terms and conditions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. More information can be found on the website: (only in Finnish).

More information: Dr. Liisa Saarenmaa, MMM, puh. 029 516 2429 (

See also ”National Regulations”.