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Launching of the International Year of the Salmon in Finland

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 7.11.2018 14.18 | Published in English on 7.11.2018 at 14.53
News item

The North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO), the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) and some other partners have launched a project called The International Year of the Salmon (IYS). The IYS focal year will be 2019, with projects and activities starting in 2018 and continuing into 2022. The governments of the northern world have been asked to participate and also Finland has now published a video about the Finnish perspectives on salmon.

In Finland, two of the boarder rivers are among the best salmon rivers in the world: the River Tenojoki discharging into the Atlantic and River Tornionjoki discharging into the Baltic Sea. Besides the Atlantic and Baltic Sea stocks, landlocked freshwater salmon inhabits Lake Saimaa and the River Hiitolanjoki.

One of the biggest success stories is the recovery of the River Tornionjoki salmon stock from a very weak status to one of the world’s strongest Atlantic salmon populations. This was achieved by determined action and collaboration among Finland and Sweden and between the EU and the Baltic States.

Now increasing attention is paid to the exploitation and management of salmon stocks. The salmon and sea trout strategy guides the exploitation of these species, and landlocked salmon has a strategy of its own. Migration conditions in rivers are being improved by measures under the fish passage strategy.

To improve the living conditions the focus is on harnessed river systems, where barriers to migration are removed and solutions sought to circumvent dams. In such water bodies measures are also taken to restore river habitats and improve spawning sites.

The spectrum of actors is broad indeed. Major restoration projects are carried out in collaboration between the administration and power companies. Voluntary work by private citizens and associations has also produced good results.

Salmon is a very international species, and cooperation is always needed to manage this and other migratory fish stocks. Cooperation with the neighbours is particularly important – in the River Tornionjoki with Sweden and in Rivers Tenojoki and Näätämöjoki with Norway. With Russia Finland shares the Lake Ladoga salmon stock in the River Hiitolanjoki.

Work for salmon will continue all through the jubilee year. We will continue our efforts to revive[TH(1]  the River Tenojoki and Baltic Sea salmon stocks. Work to restore migratory routes in harnessed rivers discharging into the Baltic Sea continues under a Government key project.

Watch a video: Finland for the Year of the Salmon (@yearofthesalmon)

More about the Finnish salmon stocks (luke.fi)

More about the Year of the Salmon (yearofthesalmon.org)

Inquiries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland:

Tapio Hakaste, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 162 152, forename.surname@mmm.fi

Bioeconomy Commercial fishing EU and international affairs Fisheries Jari Leppä Recreational fishing Year of Salmon