Blue bioeconomy

The global need for clean water and its significance for the world keep growing. Population growth, climate change, growing need for food and energy, and urbanisation and changing lifestyles force us to seek new solutions. Finland’s diverse aquatic environments, abundant water resources and long coastline combined with a high standard of expertise and good reputation in the world create excellent conditions for sustainable growth and internationalisation. Seizing the opportunities requires a competitive and growth-promoting operating environment and a good status of the aquatic environment. To achieve this, active cooperation is needed between the government and companies to promote new operating models, solutions and internationalisation and to further improve expertise and innovation.

The blue bioeconomy means business that is based on the sustainable use of renewable aquatic resources and water expertise. Good status of waters is the foundation of a successful blue bioeconomy. Achieving and maintaining this supports the development and marketing of blue bioeconomy products and services. Key sectors in this respect include business activities based on water expertise and technology, water-based tourism, making use of aquatic biomass, and the value chain of fisheries. The immaterial value of aquatic natural resources is also very high. Water areas are important not only for economic activities but also for human well-being, recreation and health.

Development plan on the blue bioeconomy

The development plan on the blue bioeconomy, prepared under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, was completed in autumn 2016. The plan was prepared in collaboration between the Natural Resources Institute Finland, Finnish Environment Institute, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and other stakeholders. 

The aim was to highlight cooperation and interaction between the private and public sector and collaboration among different administrative branches. Partnerships and collaboration enable to boost the creation of new innovations, operating models and environmentally sustainable solutions and their success on the markets.

Research and competence building agenda on the blue bioeconomy

The aim of the research agenda is to boost business based on the sustainable use of waters and aquatic natural resources in order that the blue bioeconomy is a strong growth sector of the future for Finland and a contributor to our wellbeing. Research and competence building agenda on the blue bioeconomy was completed in June 2018. 

Related topics

Water solutions and expertise from Finland


Timo Halonen, neuvotteleva virkamies 
maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Luonnonvaraosasto, Elinkeinokalatalousyksikkö Puhelin:0295162411   Sähköpostiosoite: