Fertiliser products

The Fertiliser Product Act ensures that all fertiliser products placed on the market in Finland are safe, of good quality, and suitable for plant production. The Act also aims to promote the utilisation of by-products suitable for use as fertilisers, provided that they have a proven positive impact on plant growth and cause no damage or danger to humans, animals, plants or the environment.

Finland’s soils and inland waters are more acidic than those in other EU countries. Because of these exceptional soil and water conditions, special efforts are needed to control and reduce soil-related and other environmental risks in Finland. In this context, key priorities include the need to ensure the high quality and safety, including low heavy metal content, of fertiliser products used in agriculture, horticulture, landscaping and forestry.

Fertiliser products include the following type designation groups:

  • fertilisers
  • liming materials
  • soil conditioners
  • substrates
  • microbe products.

All fertiliser products imported into and marketed in Finland must be included either in the national type designation list of fertiliser products or, in the case of EC fertilisers, in the list of types of EC fertilisers designations specified in Annex I to EC Regulation 2003/2003.

The use of fertiliser products in Finland is controlled by the Finnish Food Safety Authority (Evira).

National legislation


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maa- ja metsätalousministeriö, Ruokaosasto, Eläin- ja kasvinterveyden yksikkö Puhelin:0295162026   Sähköpostiosoite: