ICT-AGRI-FOOD ERA-NET announcement of the research funding call

ICT-AGRI-FOOD 2024 JOINT CALL on “Tackling digitalisation for sound agriculture and food systems” for joint transnational research projects is now open

Call documents and further reading can be found on this website: https://submission-ict-agri-food.ptj.deLinkki toiselle sivustolle  

Finnish contact point (national rules):
Suvi Ryynänen (suvi.ryynanen (at) gov.fi, tel. +35 295 16 2126)

Other questions regarding the call can be directed to:
Call Office & Technical Help Desk

Ulrike Pogoda de la Vega            +49 2461 61-5790           
Petra E. Schulte                           +49 2461 61-9031
Christian Breuer                         +49 2461 61-96929

ICT-AGRI-FOOD is a European Research Area (ERA) network of national and regional funding organisations that promotes and funds European research, development and innovation projects on ICT-enabled agri-food systems, offering innovative opportunities for the entire food value chain. The project is co-funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

More information: https://www.ictagrifood.eu/Linkki toiselle sivustolle