Fishing Rule for River Tenojoki tributaries approved

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 25.5.2022 15.29 | Published in English on 27.5.2022 at 8.41
Type:Press release
Kuva: Jaakko Vähämäki

On Wednesday 25 May 2022, the Government adopted the Government Decree concerning the tributaries of the River Tenojoki (Tanaelva). The decree supplements the other fishing regulations for the Tenojoki river basin for 2022.

There are no major changes to the provisions of the decree compared to the year before. As in 2021, only fishing for species other than salmon is allowed in the tributaries and no fishing gear intended for salmon fishing may be used. 

The rules concerning the height and mesh size were amended so that now they are the same as those concerning the River Tenojoki main stem. Rod fishing is permitted from a boat, and the use of hooks with barbs is not restricted. 

The legislative proposal concerning the ban on salmon fishing for the 2022 fishing season is being discussed at Parliament. The proposal has proceeded to the second reading and the aim is to bring the act into force as soon as possible. 

Inquiries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 

Vesa Ruusila, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 162 051, vesa.ruusila(at)
Tapio Hakaste, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 162 152, tapio.hakaste(at)

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